Léitheoireacht an tSamhraidh - Cois Life cois trá!
Agus séasúr an tSamhraidh tosaithe i gceart anois, tá sé tráthúil
féachaint ar na sárleabhair atá ar fáil mar léitheoireacht éadrom.
Is féidir Buaic le Dermot Somers a thabhairt síos chun na trá leat agus
coinneoidh leac oighir agus sneachta Everest breá fionnuar tú fad a
bheidh an t-úrscéal seo á léamh agat. Tuilleadh sonraí anseo.

Má tá tú ag díriú ar an gcósta agus más spéis leat dúshlán na
bleachtaireachta, ní shárófar Sceon na Mara le Liam Ó Muirthile mar
ábhar léitheoireachta atá préamhaithe san fhíorshaol. Téir in achrann i
líon na mistéire anseo...
Is é atá in Dún an Airgid le hÉilís Ní Dhuibhne scéal bleachtaireachta
sna bruachbhailte nua-aoiseacha agus léiríonn modh inste an údair na
buanna plotála agus castachtaí ar fad a rug sí léi óna taithí ag scríobh
cláracha i sobaldrámaí don teilifís. Is féidir tús a chur le do chuairt
ar Dhún an Airgid anseo.
Má tá tú buartha faoi 'ualach an léinn' (nó 'liúntas bagáiste Ryanair'
mar is fearr aithne air) cuimhnigh gur féidir na leaganacha
ríomhleabhair a cheannach ach an oiread ar do kindle, iPad nó do rogha
gléas eile.
Summer Reading - bring Cois Life on holiday with you!
With the holiday season under way right now is a good time to look at
the super books Cois Life has made available for holiday reading.
If the beach gets too hot, Dermot Somer's novel Buaic will cool you down
with all the ice and snow on Everest. More details here.
If you're headed for the coast and like the challenge of a whodunnit,
Sceon na Mara by Liam Ó Muirthile can't be beaten for reality-based
fiction. Follow this link and you just might get entangled in the nets
of mystery .....
Dún an Airgid by Éilís Ní Dhuibhne is a detective story set in the new
suburbs and the way it's told uses all the plot twists which the author
learned from her time writing episodes of TV soap operas. To begin your
visit to Dún an Airgid follow this link.
And remember, if you're worried about 'the heavy burden of learning' (aka
your Ryanair baggage allowance), you can always opt to buy the e-book
version of these books on your kindle, iPad or other mobile device.
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